Category: Firearm Cleaning and Restoration

  • Marlin 336, 30/30 Wire Inlay

    Marlin 336, 30/30 Wire Inlay

    Lets start with this is my own piece. We take this to gun shows with us as a display piece, so you may have seen us around. I am proud of this one though, so I wanted to share a bit. This was brought to me by a young man. His grandfather had passed. When… Read more

  • H&R 12 Guage Restoration

    H&R 12 Guage Restoration

    H&R 12 Guage, restored family piece. This one was in super rough shape. It was a grandfather’s shotgun who had used it well and had since passed. We cleaned it up inside and out. We repaired a major split through the grip of the stock. The wood chip out of the front edge of the… Read more

  • Ruger 10-22 Restoration

    Ruger 10-22 Restoration

    Ruger 10-22 restored after acquiring some water damage from being in a house that caught fire and had to be put out. This one really had only minor signs of water on the inside and the stock was basically untouched. It had this sandy/sooty residue all through the inside. It just needed a good cleaning,… Read more

  • Rem. M141, .35REM Restoration

    Rem. M141, .35REM Restoration

    Remington Model M141, .35REM restored after acquiring some water damage from being in a house that caught fire and had to be put out. This one had some water marking all over, and it is hard to see from the pictures but it still water inside it when I opened it up. It did come… Read more

  • Rem. 7600, 30-06 Restoration

    Rem. 7600, 30-06 Restoration

    The coveted Remington 7600, 30-06, restored after acquiring some water damage from being in a house that caught fire and had to be put out. Though this one had a lot of water damage on the exterior, but really had only minor signs of water on the inside. Aside from some bluing damage that I… Read more

  • Win. Model 12, 12 Guage

    Win. Model 12, 12 Guage

    Another Winchester Model 12, this one in 12 Guage, restored after acquiring some water damage from being in a house that caught fire and had to be put out. This one had a good bit of internal rust that needed cleaned up. The internals on these really don’t like moisture. Any firearm really, but especially… Read more

  • Boito BR7, 20 Guage Restoration

    Boito BR7, 20 Guage Restoration

    I had never seen one of these before. It was a pleasure to work on something new (to me). Boito BR7, 20 gauge restored after acquiring some water damage from being in a house that caught fire and had to be put out. This one had a good bit of internal rust that needed cleaned… Read more

  • Win. Model 88, 243 Restoration

    Win. Model 88, 243 Restoration

    Winchester Model 88, 243 restored after acquiring some water damage from being in a house that caught fire and had to be put out. Though this one had a lot of water marking all over the stock, it really had only minor signs of water on the inside. I’d be willing to wager it came… Read more

  • Win. 94, 30-30 Restoration

    Win. 94, 30-30 Restoration

    Winchester Model 94, 30-30 restored after acquiring some water damage from being in a house that caught fire and had to be put out. This one had only minor issues and came out looking pretty good. Only thing we couldn’t save was the scope seals were shot, and it was fogged up between the lenses.… Read more

  • Win. Model 12, 16 Gauge Restoration

    Win. Model 12, 16 Gauge Restoration

    Winchester Model 12, 16 gauge restored after acquiring some water damage from being in a house that caught fire and had to be put out. This one had a good bit of internal rust that needed cleaned up, and some damage to the stock that had to be repaired but came out really nice when… Read more